Wednesday, March 12, 2008


So, we just got back from Guatemala on Monday night and here are a bunch of photos from the trip. We went with an amazing group and I'm so glad for the friends we all made.

We found a 'hidden' carnival in Guatemala City and it was some of the most fun I've had in my life. There were rides that went sooo much faster than they allow in the US. Haha

This photo is from the National Cemetery in Guatemala City.

This is Juan. He allowed us to stay in his home last year and is probably the most welcoming person I've ever met. Even though none of us spoke his language (a Mayan dialect) we understood one another. Amazing!

Dave, myself, and our friend Liz were planting corn in the field owned by the women laughing at us. I hope we didn't ruin their crop!

This is the granddaughter of the family we stayed with this year...what a face!

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