Friday, June 13, 2008

I Need Your Help!

Okidokiee, well Nicole from PinkDesign ( has designed two new logos for me and I need your help in deciding which one to choose. Let me hear your feedback:) Thanks!!!!


Anne Bentley said...
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Anne Bentley said...
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Mike Brice said...


How are you doing - images look great.

I like the second one the best.


Anne Bentley said...

oops! I see now, after looking at your blog that you are a wedding photographer - maybe keep the cursive but the 2 cards with 2 very different fonts is all I meant - along with the design makes it all a bit busy, keeping it simpler, perhaps: crisp & clean but the best feedback is probably not from me!
love your clown shoes shot, by the way

Anonymous said...

I liked the first one the best, just because it didn't feel like a diamond. IMportant step, you are marketing toward your target audience and not just to other artists. If your site was an art gallery, simpler would be better...but moms and brides will love the logo!